The Certified Energy Manager is an individual who optimizes the energy performance of a facility, building or industrial plant. The CEM® is a systems integrator for electrical, mechanical, process and building infrastructure, analyzing the optimum solutions to reduce energy consumption in a cost effective approach. CEM’s are often team leaders and help to develop and implement their organizations’ energy management strategies. CEM’s have gained increased recognition within the energy industry and by companies looking to strengthen their competitive position by having a CEM on staff.

The Association of Energy Engineers CEM and CEA certification programs are accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) based on the International Standard ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024. ANSI Standard 17024 is well-recognized within the industry as the highest standard in personnel certification accreditation.

U.S. Department of Energy
The CEM is the first recognized program under the Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines. The Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines were developed in collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the commercial energy performance industry to strengthen the growing energy efficiency market by certifying a highly skilled workforce.

ASHRAE Standard 211
AEE’s CEM and CEA certifications meet the criteria of an energy auditor and are qualified to do work under the ASHRAE Standard 211-2018 for Commercial Building Energy Audits.

Atlanta, GA
CEM is one of the approved credentials to do work under the City of Atlanta’s Commercial Building Ordinance

City of Boulder
CEM meets requirements for commissioning credentials for Boulder Building Performance Ordinance (Ordinance No. 8071)

City of Chicago
CEM recognized by the City of Chicago an an acceptable credential for complying with Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance

Los Angeles County
CEM recognized by the Los Angeles County Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program

Montgomery County, Maryland
CEM is an acceptable verification credentials in Montgomery County, Maryland’s Benchmarking Program.

City of San Francisco
CEM recognized by the City of San Francisco Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Ordinance and the Department of Environment to provide energy auditing or building commissioning services.

City of San Jose
The City of San José Energy and Water Building Performance Ordinance requires an annual energy and water benchmarking report for buildings owned by the City of San Jose that are 15,000 sq ft or more, or privately owned residential and non-residential buildings that are 20,000 sq ft or more. AEE’s Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Energy Auditor (CEA), Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP), and Certified Existing Building Commissioning Professional (EBCP) are qualified to perform this work under the ordinance.

City of Seattle
CEM is an authorized qualification for the City of Seattle’s Building Tune-Up Program

CEM recognized by Connecticut Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) as an acceptable contractor qualification

CEM is approved credential for individuals to create their own energy optimization plan under Public Act 295

CEM is one of the approved credentials to help with technical analysis of energy saving improvements or waste minimization projects may be financed with a Dollar and Energy Saving Loan

New York
CEMs are recognized as qualifying team members standards for qualified auditors under the commercial building energy auditing and building commissioning legislation.  CEM is an approved credential for auditing and commissioning under Local Law 87.

CEM is one of the acceptable credentials for required Independent Third Party Reviewer (ITPR) audits for Texas Pace Authority Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program

CEM is one accepted requirement in order to be eligible for renewable energy investment tax credits for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) or Geothermal Heat Pump installations

Executive Order 48: All agencies and institutions shall provide adequate management support to their energy savings activities.  In order to ensure agencies have sufficient expertise in energy management, every Agency energy manager for an agency or institution with energy costs exceeding $1 million shall be certified as an energy manager by the Association of Energy Engineers

CEM is one qualification an engineer must have in order to register at the Registry of Energy Engineers

CEM recognized by the Irish government as meeting the industry qualification requirements of the Irish regulation SI426, to implement Article 8 (4-6) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).

CEM recognized by the Energy Regulatory Commission in Kenya, under The Energy Act of 2012 as a requirement to obtaining an Energy Auditor License in Kenya

Saudi Arabia
CEM is one certifications now required for the licensing of energy efficiency companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the regulation of the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC)

South Africa
The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) has granted Engineering Council of South Africa (ESCA) Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits for persons taking AEE’s international CEM, CEA, CMVP, CWEP, and REP programs.

United Arab Emirates
The RSB (Government of Dubai, RSB for Electricity & Water), Effective 2 September 2015, new applicants for Provisional Accreditation will require a CMVP in addition to either a CEM or CEA

Air National Guard
CEM is approved for continuing education units (CEU’s) for its energy and facility engineers throughout the United States.

Fannie Mae
CEM is an approved credential for a PCF Consultant to conduct energy and water audits, called the High Performance Building (HPB) Assessment with Fannie Mae

General Services Administration
CEM has been reviewed by the Facility Management Institute of the U.S. General Services Administration and is aligned with the FBPTA

Investor Confidence Project
CEM is one of the requirements for the Project Developer Credential, which designates that a project developer (ESCO, Engineering firm, facility manager, building owner, etc.) is qualified to develop Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ (IREE) projects that comply with the ICP Energy Performance Protocols.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program On-Farm Energy Initiative Energy Audit Requires energy audits to be completed by NRCS-certified Technical Service Providers and one of the qualifications to be be a CEM or CEA.

U.S. Department of Energy
AEE certifications are recommended in DOE’s Guide to Energy Audits as Request for Qualifications (RFQ) requirement for consultants and firms that have expertise and experience in the field of energy efficiency upgrades to buildings and building equipment.

U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy Energy Managers are required, at a minimum, to have the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Certification. Junior energy managers can achieve this certification while employed, and have up to 1 year to complete the certification process.


  • To raise the professional standards of those engaged in renewable energy.
  • To improve the practice of renewable energy professionals by encouraging renewable energy in a continuing education program of professional development.
  • To identify persons with acceptable knowledge of the principles and practices of renewable energy through completing an examination and fulfilling prescribed standards of performance and conduct.
  • To award special recognition to those renewable energy professionals who have demonstrated a high level of competence and ethical fitness in renewable energy.


Applicant must meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

Education Experience
4-year related* degree OR Professional Engineer (PE) OR Registered Architect (RA) AND 2+ years related* experience
2-year associate degree AND 5+ years related* experience
NONE AND 10+ years related* experience
Current status of Certified Energy Manager (CEM®)

*Related degree includes engineering, architecture, science, business, or related and related experience includes renewable, alternative energy, biomass, biofuel, solar or related.

In-Training Option for International Candidates Only

If you are applying for this certification internationally and do not meet one of the eligibility criteria above, you can still apply for an in-training certification, REP-IT. In order to gain the in-training certification, you must attend a REP preparatory training seminar, submit the REP certification application, and pass the REP certification examination. The REP-IT certification is valid for six years, which allows you time to meet the full REP certification eligibility requirements.


All REP candidates must attend one of AEE’s preparatory REP training seminars, submit a REP certification application, and pass an open book examination, which is proctored by an approved exam administrator.

The examination is based on an approved Body of Knowledge, which includes the main subject areas and the percentages of each included in the examination.

Apply Now

Step One: Register for the REP Training Seminar

The upcoming seminars are listed below. For a full listing of REP training options, visit the Training page.

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Step Two: Complete Your REP Certification Application & Register for an Exam



Certification Application and Examination Fees:

  • $300 if exam is taken in conjunction with a live REP training seminar
  • $400 if exam is taken at a remote testing center
  • Application and examination fees are nonrefundable

Certification Renewal:

  • $300 every three years

Candidates wishing to take an international certification program should contact the local training provider for seminar, certification application, exam registration, and fees.

If there is not an AEE training provider in your country, AEE can present a training program for groups. For additional information, please complete this request form. U.S. Military, please use this request form.